Ranking: Self (Base)

Server: Darktide

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Self (Base)
An Aetheria Blue Darktide 10
A Key Grinder Darktide 10
Armor Soldier Darktide 10
All Names in Use Darktide 10
Armor Crafters Darktide 10
Armor Aod Darktide 10
A Rare Example Darktide 10
Arsimias Darktide 10
A Key Grinder VII Darktide 10
Armor Proof Acid I Darktide 10
A Note Taker Darktide 10
A Trinket Appraisor Darktide 10
A Bracelet Fiend II Darktide 10
Archer's Set Darktide 10
Armor Wise I Darktide 10
An Encapsulated One III Darktide 10
Armor Shou-Jen Darktide 10
A Cloak Rack Darktide 10
Beer Nut Darktide 10
A Shirt Collection II Darktide 10
Asot Six Darktide 10
Armor Cd Darktide 10
Bazooka Man Darktide 10
Armor Dextrous Darktide 10
Armor Hearty Darktide 10
Alannah Da'noob Darktide 10
Akirah Darktide 10
Armor Wise IV Darktide 10
Armor Adept III Darktide 10
Armor Wise III Darktide 10
A Gem Appreciator Darktide 10
Armor Aerbax Darktide 10
Armor Archers Darktide 10
Armor mule elite Darktide 10
An Encapsulated One Darktide 10
A-teardrop Darktide 10
An Essence of Something II Darktide 10
Armor Proof Cold I Darktide 10
Armor Defender I Darktide 10
Armor Cd II Darktide 10
Angie Kreynus Darktide 10
Beotch IV Darktide 10
A Key Grinder II Darktide 10
A Bracelet Fiend Darktide 10
Back Rubs Darktide 10
Backpackfroap Darktide 10
A Crafty Example Darktide 10
Armor Defender II Darktide 10
A Sword for Damocles Darktide 10
Beotch V Darktide 10
Aetheria Yellow Darktide 10
Armor Hardened Darktide 10
A Letter Man Darktide 10
Armor Shimmering Darktide 10
A Weapon of Choice Darktide 10
Armor Cd III Darktide 10
A Death on the Nile Darktide 10
Armor Adept I Darktide 10
Armor Wise V Darktide 10
Apollo's Wrath Darktide 10
Beotch I Darktide 10
Alchy-Mist Darktide 10
Armor Wise II Darktide 10
A Pants Collection Darktide 10
Beotch II Darktide 10
All these are rank mules Darktide 10
Armor Swift Darktide 10
A Pants Collection II Darktide 10
Armor Tinkers Darktide 10
Amithekey Darktide 10
Armor Epic I Darktide 10
A Pearl Necklace Darktide 10
Beotch VIV Darktide 10
An Aetheria Dream Darktide 10
A Potion Mixer Darktide 10
An Encapsulated One II Darktide 10
Armor Epic II Darktide 10
An Essence of Something Darktide 10
Armor Aod II Darktide 10
Aastrella Darktide 10
Armor Proof Light I Darktide 10
An-attitude Darktide 10
Asot two Darktide 10
A Ring of Power Darktide 10
Aun Soul Sister Darktide 10
Armor Adept II Darktide 10
Armor Cdr Darktide 10
A Shirt Collection Darktide 10
Beotch X Darktide 10
Acid Proof Set Darktide 10
Armor Reinforced Darktide 10
Anoobeer Darktide 10
Asot Seven Darktide 10
Big Di Mulio Darktide 10
Beotch XI Darktide 10
Beotch VIII Darktide 10
Atarimon Darktide 10
Asot Eleven Darktide 10
Armor Interlock Darktide 10
A Muley Darktide 10