Ranking: Stamina (Base)

Server: Darktide

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Stamina (Base)
Armor Death Items Darktide 10
Cloak Set Darktide 10
Deadly Staff Infection Darktide 10
All Names in Use Darktide 10
A Key Grinder VII Darktide 10
Cinco man Darktide 10
Arkai Darktide 10
Lvlsevenscrolls Darktide 10
Macrownage Jr Darktide 10
Fork Lift Darktide 10
Archer's Set Darktide 10
Bob rank mule Darktide 10
Drak-U-Lah Darktide 10
Bin' Salvagin' Darktide 10
Legendary Haul Darktide 10
Defender Boots Darktide 10
Green Garnet Bucket Darktide 10
Dead Cheerleader Darktide 10
Macrownage Darktide 10
Creampie Suprise Darktide 10
Nariyid Armor Darktide 10
Adept's Set Darktide 10
Narinkat Darktide 10
Covenant Shield Darktide 10
Enosh The Envisioned Darktide 10
Key Bucket Darktide 10
Armour Tink Bucket Darktide 10
Dos man Darktide 10
Alduressa Armor Darktide 10
Ken Ji Darktide 10
Imperial Knight Tavish Darktide 10
Dredorik Darktide 10
Amuli Maiden Darktide 10
Lugian Weapons Darktide 10
Denise Viper Darktide 10
Hardened Set Darktide 10
Chainmail Armor Darktide 10
Macrownage Gold Darktide 10
Brass Bucket Darktide 10
Bracelet Bucket Darktide 10
Easyloots Darktide 10
Mistress of the Black Blade Darktide 10
Atarimon Darktide 10
Crazy Soldier Darktide 10
Feral Ghoul Reaver Darktide 10
Necklace Bucket Darktide 10
Crafter's Set Darktide 10
Eye of the Serpent Darktide 10
Burger Boy B Darktide 10
Necromancer Bucket Darktide 10
Covenant Armor Darktide 10
Excessum Darktide 10
Agent of the Arcanium Darktide 10
Geggy Tah Darktide 10
A Muley Darktide 10
Eleanor Shelby Darktide 10
Knorr Academy Armor Darktide 10
Celdon-Armor Darktide 10
Kool Kolor Twohander Darktide 10
Chiran Armor Darktide 10
Koujia Armor Darktide 10
Btchs Be Trippin Darktide 10
Junk Yard' Dog Darktide 10
Buff Diver Darktide 10
Leather Armor Darktide 10
Bin' Smashin' Darktide 10
Interlocking Set Darktide 10
Bin' Hackin' Darktide 10
Iron Bucket Darktide 10
Di Do It Agin Darktide 10
Diforsa Armor Darktide 10
Amuli-Armor Darktide 10
Massive Flicker Darktide 10
Heavy cal Darktide 10
Huell Darktide 10
Haebrean-Armor Darktide 10
Mahogany Bucket Darktide 10
Granite Bucket Darktide 10
I carry deathitems Darktide 10
Dexterous-Set Darktide 10
Massive Mana Charge Darktide 10
Gina Lamborghini Darktide 10
Imbue Bucket Darktide 10
Gimme Da Loot Darktide 10
Lightning Proof Set Darktide 10
Bareback Darktide 10
Ffdfdfdfdfdfd Darktide 10
Cold Proof Set Darktide 10
No Name Killer Darktide 10
Acid Proof Set Darktide 10
Boots Salvage Darktide 10
C Rank Mule XIII Darktide 10
Flame Proof Set Darktide 10
Olthoi-Armor Darktide 10
Not Fo Sho Darktide 10
Nnk's mule Darktide 10
Naturalist Bucket Darktide 10
Lorica Armor Darktide 10
Mahog Sal Darktide 10
A n a r k i Darktide 10