Ranking: Stamina (Base)

Server: Doctide

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Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Stamina (Base)
Gateway Center I Doctide 10
Corpses Of Wind Doctide 10
Pb Xp rares quest Doctide 10
Cloaks and Aetheriass Doctide 10
Ljewelryxi Doctide 10
Pb V Doctide 10
Box Doctide 10
Unconscious Insanity Doctide 10
Maximus Doctide 10
Rbs Metals Doctide 10
Bugggy Doctide 10
Ljewelryiii Doctide 10
Noplay III Doctide 10
Noplay I Doctide 10
Trick Doctide 10
Bobbert's Guy Doctide 10
Larmori Doctide 10
A Monarch Doctide 10
Expand Able Doctide 10
Dread Knight Doctide 10
This thing slaps Doctide 10
Legendaries Eleven I Doctide 10
Thug Doctide 10
Ljewelryvi Doctide 10
Ljewelryvii Doctide 10
I Am Salvage Doctide 10
Collectiv-Paramount Doctide 10
Eleven Keys I Doctide 10
Larmoriv Doctide 10
Portal Camper Doctide 10
Tonk Doctide 10
Spackle Doctide 10
Fyz's Salvage Mule II Doctide 10
Ronsolo's Mule Doctide 10
Eiightang Doctide 10
Lockpick Doctide 10
More Mad Doctide 10
Weps Salvageii Doctide 10
Dread Dark Knight Doctide 10
Ljewelry Doctide 10
Alchyholic Doctide 10
Allo Doctide 10
Larmorii Doctide 10
Vitae Vendor Doctide 10
Tender Packrat Doctide 10
Rends Salvageiv Doctide 10
Tailorhoe Doctide 10
Tangy Charge Doctide 10
Majorlowwield Doctide 10
Locks Doctide 10
Ljewelryv Doctide 10
Steels Doctide 10
Ljewelryii Doctide 10
Steelsi Doctide 10
Killed By Sesandre Doctide 10
Ljewelryviii Doctide 10
Noplay IV Doctide 10
Armchair Casualty Doctide 10
Sekx Bomb IV Doctide 10
Jewelryviiii Doctide 10
Noplay II Doctide 10
Satchel Doctide 10
Stash person Doctide 10
Bigger than mad Doctide 10
Larmoriii Doctide 10
Lkeys Doctide 10
Gateway Center II Doctide 10
Stuffy II Doctide 10
Rbs Salvage Doctide 10
Lifestone Sender Doctide 10
Collectiv Aftergrasps Doctide 10
Snowedfourincheslastnight Doctide 12
Bysarah Doctide 15
Pnkl Doctide 30
Cisco Kid Doctide 30
Heeadsadsfasdf Doctide 30
Neon Indian Doctide 30
Bless DeZ Nuts I Doctide 30
Memes Doctide 30
Fgfgjfjf Doctide 30
Mymainisatinkerer Doctide 30
Mac Dre Doctide 30
Drainbaby Doctide 30
Colllectiv Undhomg Doctide 30
Castles Twisted Doctide 30
Complete Sanity Doctide 30
Testerest Doctide 30
Damage Doctide 30
Kate Bush Doctide 35
Mssarah Doctide 40
Most Wanted Killahs Doctide 40
Grey Goose Doctide 40
Goofy Doctide 40
Gkgfhkfgjdgh Doctide 40
Complete Verify Doctide 40
Junk Bond Doctide 40
Justin Trudeau Doctide 40
Colllectiv Waywfbooom Doctide 40
D A N K For Life Doctide 40
Contra Doctide 40