Ranking: Stamina (Base)

Server: Hightide

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Stamina (Base)
Doctor Zaius Hightide 486
Hammer on you' Hightide 486
Warweaver Hightide 486
Msn Ac Test Unit Hightide 486
Alexandru Hightide 486
Tps Report Hightide 486
The White Mist Hightide 486
Martine Hightide 486
Throneless Hightide 486
Va Jay Jay Box Hightide 486
Red Paternator Hightide 486
Mr Monkey Hightide 486
Murderer Hightide 486
L A S T C A L L Hightide 486
Waste of Tapers Hightide 486
Batman's Bro Hightide 486
Carnage Hightide 486
Ardeiumplut Hightide 486
Master Bae Shun Hightide 486
The Void Hightide 486
Coke Hightide 486
Dread Thrill Hightide 486
I l I I I l l l I l l I l I l l Hightide 486
Vince McMahon Hightide 486
Winguyen Hightide 486
Hellish Hightide 486
Nihilistic Hightide 486
Ted Bundy Hightide 486
Dude Hightide 486
Ball Cruncher Hightide 486
Futality Hightide 486
Little Dunker Boy Hightide 486
Raistlin Hightide 486
Twistedheat Hightide 486
Dmg Hightide 486
Shin Magik Hightide 486
Fatal Hightide 486
Warweaverii Hightide 486
A Floating Guy Hightide 486
VanHelsing Hightide 486
Hallas Hightide 486
Equin Zhapaj Hightide 486
George Of The Jungle Hightide 486
McTank Hightide 486
The Select Few Hightide 486
Freddy Kreuger Hightide 486
Marcus Illanor Hightide 486
X-unit Hightide 486
Little Bunny Pookie Hightide 486
Quintessence Hightide 486
Krispy Hightide 486
Little Foot Hightide 486
Dark Awakening Hightide 486
Domestos Hightide 486
Midget in a Suitcase Hightide 486
Inox Hightide 486
Hammer on you Hightide 486
Jupiler Hightide 486
Blood Hightide 486
Xavier Dreux Hightide 486
Turner Hightide 484
Albedo Hightide 480
Illillliillll Hightide 480
Smurf Hightide 478
Arrows Might Hurt Hightide 478
Black Cat Hightide 477
Sho me the way Hightide 477
Al-Booli's Revenge Hightide 476
Limeable Hightide 475
Cannibal-Corpse Hightide 475
Stupid Mage Hightide 475
Anytime Hightide 471
Jacks Hightide 470
Spawn Hightide 470
Dilly Dilly Hightide 470
Aces Hightide 470
Wiccan Witch Hightide 470
Reaper Hightide 469
Mrfarq Hightide 467
The Blue Mist Hightide 466
Spawn III Hightide 466
Al-Booli Biotch Hightide 466
Gentleman Jack Hightide 465
Shin Sylvenus Hightide 465
Xanax Faded Hightide 465
Hellraiser Hightide 465
Gimme Yo Pyreals Hightide 462
Drive me crazy Hightide 461
Weaver's Ua Hightide 461
I level people Hightide 461
Spawn The Wise Hightide 460
Darq Lighter Hightide 460
Smooth Operator Hightide 460
No-Remorse Hightide 460
Bigfoot Hightide 460
Warweaveriii Hightide 460
Chris Jericho Hightide 460
Weaver mule Hightide 460
Shin Charo Hightide 460
Vladimir Putin Hightide 458