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Server: Doctide

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Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Strength (Base)
Armorvi Doctide 10
Andoin Loathar Doctide 10
Salvage five II Doctide 10
Pb XI Doctide 10
Chazzie Doctide 10
Port IV Doctide 10
Botbob Doctide 10
Dark Matter Assault Doctide 10
Maddax Doctide 10
Darkbeat's Brother Doctide 10
Pb VII Doctide 10
Friendless Chaos Doctide 10
Purple Haze Doctide 10
Port V Doctide 10
Pb IV Doctide 10
Void Doctide 10
Ethanol Doctide 10
Tabatha Cash Doctide 10
The Mad Er King Doctide 10
Grumble Grunt Doctide 10
Rip Rice God Doctide 10
Boyyy Doctide 10
Plump Mole Doctide 10
One Fat Mfer Doctide 10
Ljewelryx Doctide 10
Pb VIII Doctide 10
Meleeguy Doctide 10
Pb X Doctide 10
Locks Doctide 10
Soft Gopher Doctide 10
Orochimaru Doctide 10
Pb III Doctide 10
Quuzanon Doctide 10
Haze Doctide 10
Marshmello Doctide 10
Your Son Doctide 10
Bobbert Doctide 10
Freakish Doctide 10
Black Magic Doctide 10
Legendaries Eleven III Doctide 10
Locke Doctide 10
Flex Fuel Doctide 10
Tender Packrat Doctide 10
Plump Vole Doctide 10
Stfu Amanda Doctide 10
Tinka Dink Doctide 10
Mule fivex Doctide 10
Skeptical Doctide 10
Dee You Down Doctide 10
Joseph Doctide 10
I Hide Gold In My Butt Doctide 10
Duck Dodgers Doctide 10
Ten Piece Nugget Meal Doctide 10
DeAthstone Doctide 10
Weeapons Doctide 10
Testerman Doctide 10
Slow Doctide 10
Dobby's Ferret Doctide 10
Pb VIIII Doctide 10
Pb VI Doctide 10
Think Big Doctide 10
Lockpick Doctide 10
Marsh Doctide 10
Meth Head Doctide 10
Crispy Grasshopper Doctide 10
Pb I Doctide 10
Pb II Doctide 10
Abuun Doctide 10
Danky For Life Doctide 10
Armorviii Doctide 10
Port III Doctide 10
Armorvii Doctide 10
White Butler II Doctide 10
Xhant Doctide 10
Bugggy Doctide 10
Bob Loblaw Doctide 10
Free Tacos Doctide 10
Weeaponsi Doctide 10
Greasy Doctide 10
Ljewelryviiii Doctide 10
Drug Addict Doctide 10
The Ginger Hammer Doctide 20
Femi Butt Pirate Doctide 20
Bagman Doctide 20
Lady Boys Doctide 28
Mac Dre Doctide 30
X-Unit Doctide 30
Testerest Doctide 30
Pnkl Doctide 30
Disease X Doctide 30
Memes Doctide 30
White Butler I Doctide 35
Ghost Dog Doctide 39
Hatefutureselflol Doctide 40
Abcde Doctide 40
Name sgafgadfga Doctide 40
Halikhgjslkdfg Doctide 40
Fgfgjfjf Doctide 40
Df Doctide 40
Purpleppleater Doctide 40