Ranking: Void Magic (Base)

Server: Emulators

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Void Magic (Base)
Traveling Narcissist FunkyTEST 500005
Ondrea Drunkenfell 10226
Linae Drunkenfell 10226
Narko Frostcull 1584
Emissary of the Crypt Drunkenfell 736
Ruffian Infinite Frosthaven 509
Twelve Steps InfiniteLeaftide 420
Murdarel ibn Vomitel Infinite Frosthaven 419
Marushca InfiniteLeaftide 399
Titan InfiniteLeaftide 391
Dragon Attack Duskfall 391
Shame Wizard Infinite Frosthaven 385
Ja'afar al-Saladin ValHeel 382
Ex Nihilo ValHeel 382
Trees Infinite Frosthaven 382
Usa Staffmaster Coldeve 381
Mrs World Coldeve 381
Demonseed AChard 381
Darkdealer Coldeve 381
Crime Coldeve 381
Doodle Coldeve 381
Somebody Ascension 381
Lakarat Ascension 381
Use of Void Coldeve 381
Flashfire Ascension 381
Tifar Ascension 381
Illusions Coldeve 381
Grimvoidii Coldeve 381
Fal Void Coldeve 381
Gaps III Coldeve 381
Avoid Asheron4Fun.com 381
Useful Void Coldeve 381
Poledra Asheron4Fun.com 381
Gaps IV Coldeve 381
Zapt Coldeve 381
Black Ops Coldeve 381
A C Addict Coldeve 381
Gaps V Coldeve 381
Araine Coldeve 381
Void of Uselessness Coldeve 381
Grimvoidiii Coldeve 381
Black Whole Coldeve 381
Gaps II Coldeve 381
Dark Lord of Castle Black Coldeve 381
Infected Spirit Coldeve 381
Rexie Coldeve 381
Rainbow Coldeve 381
Ken McCoy Coldeve 381
The King of England Coldeve 381
Delta Force Coldeve 381
Necrophagist Coldeve 381
Gaps VIII Coldeve 381
Avoidance Coldeve 381
Zola Coldeve 381
Stip Coldeve 381
Big Bruce AChard 381
Rahl AChard 381
Silos Shadow Coldeve 381
Summoner of the Void Coldeve 381
Castiel' Coldeve 381
Grimvoidiv Coldeve 381
Bob Margolin Asheron4Fun.com 381
Silo Coldeve 381
Void Scrillz Asheron4Fun.com 381
Grimheals Coldeve 381
Rando Asheron4Fun.com 381
Sabnock Coldeve 381
Crowley Coldeve 381
Atomix Coldeve 381
Ares Ascension 381
Silos Slave Coldeve 381
Dimebag Darrell Coldeve 381
Grimvoidv Coldeve 381
Mary's hoe Ascension 381
Intercorpse Coldeve 381
Gedatsu Ascension 381
Gelitide Coldeve 381
Terror of the Void Coldeve 381
Hell Coldeve 381
Black Hand Ascension 381
Gaps VII Coldeve 381
Ronsolo Lives AChard 381
Detman Coldeve 381
Tamaki Okami Ascension 381
Void of Usefulness Coldeve 381
Minus Void Coldeve 381
Moru Coldeve 381
Lun XX Coldeve 381
Secret Voigent Coldeve 381
Three C P O Coldeve 381
McMage Coldeve 381
Wing Collector Coldeve 381
Maga Coldeve 381
Grimvoid Coldeve 381
Niesi of Adversity Coldeve 381
Fokus Coldeve 381
Bradvoid AChard 381
Shaguna Coldeve 381
Void of Use Coldeve 381
Useless Void Coldeve 381