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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Asheron4Fun.com Buadren AC Coldeve Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test Harvestbud Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering The Tower Thistlecrown Whiting

Name Server Titles
Whiting Whiting 895
Test adae bank Derptide 895
The Hermit Hermit-Land 895
Dragon Slayer The Buffy Whiting 895
Mando AC4LIFE 895
Raxon' Va Derptide 895
Dark Schneidr BartleSkeetHG 895
Jack Asheron4Fun.com 895
Nanoha Levistras 455
Dreamtaker Sundering 449
The Boogeyman Sundering 449
Sachiel Johan Sundering 449
Sheerpower LeafDawn 448
Advis Eveldan Levistras 446
Che de Pa Sundering 443
Immortalbob Morningthaw 440
Krakatau Darktide 436
Clav Levistras 434
Yertle Morningthaw 432
Billob Levistras 431
Fenix Levistras 420
Roki Sundering 415
Evil-Lady Frostfell 404
Raile Drunkenfell 403
Blackmancer Thistledown 401
Sinned Coldeve 396
Chrysalis Coldeve 394
Sanddh WintersEbb 388
Lothnar Leafcull 386
Merlin-the-Mage Thistledown 379
Che de Pa Test Sundering 378
Paternator Reefcull 370
Slit Throat Darktide 357
Che de Pa Drunkenfell 345
Metanite LeafDawn 331
Alphus Onimbus Darktide 328
Blacksheep Leafcull 313
Shortround Levistras 311
Kaluvien Harvestbud 308
Al Samurai Kenshin Levistras 306
Dizzle LeafDawn 305
Gun Jack Thistlecrown 303
Plaz Levistras 300
Kaluvien's Herbalist Harvestbud 293
Kaluvien's Tinkerer Harvestbud 290
Roxi Sundering 272
Shadow Tamer Frostfell 271
Smoki Sundering 270
Al Arqas al-Auri Levistras 270
Keury Harvestgain 268
Batman Lord Thistlecrown 255
Orlaith Sundering 253
Al Shaad the Spirit Levistras 246
Fz Derptide 245
Jesse the Destroyer Thistledown 240
Al Umber Ironside Levistras 240
Al Advizzini the Sicilian Spirit Levistras 238
Baku Baku Sama Leafcull 234
Kikani WintersEbb 230
Yo quiro taco bell Verdantine 226
Careful the Clever Levistras 225
Cher'okee Morningthaw 221
Al Gearcrafter Lucifer Levistras 220
Gurd Sundering 215
Borwych Drunkenfell 213
Danali Thistledown 210
Butterflygolem Leafcull 209
Wussy Woy Darktide 208
Hell's Wrath Morningthaw 207
Guinevere du Avalon Thistledown 207
Seun Sundering 205
Mistress Gabby Solclaim 197
Machine Morningthaw 193
Aqua Levistras 193
Delasteve Levistras 192
Countess Bathory Morningthaw 192
Klien Rox Thistledown 191
Mialia Solclaim 190
Gearbox Sundering 190
Al Relaerian Spiritseeker Levistras 188
Shaad Sundering 188
Deera Sundering 186
Octep's Mage Drunkenfell 186
Techie Sundering 184
Carthar Sundering 183
Jaguar Leafcull 177
Elocin Mage Leafcull 176
Manbearpig Drunkenfell 175
Creeping Deth Morningthaw 174
Hawkeye the Ranger Morningthaw 174
Al-waddy Thistledown 172
Gearbox Levistras 171
Tzhar Solclaim 171
Alissa Levistras 170
Al Ayaan Ibn Hunter Levistras 169
Deathspawner Solclaim 169
High-Voltage II Frostfell 167
Gandalf da Grey WintersEbb 166
The Other Delasteve Levistras 166
Tacit Morningthaw 164